Happy Mother's day

11:00 AM 傻猪~~~cryspi~~~ 1 Comments

When I was down, you stood by me

When I cry, you were there to wipe of my tears

When I was confused, you showed me the path


You taught me the difference between good and evil, right and wrong

You walked with me through the ups and down of life, telling me to be strong, not to fear what lies ahead

You shed me from the wind and rain, protecting me from the dangers ahead

You gave me everything without a word of complain

You sacrifice your youth and time, expecting nothing in return but only hoping the best of my future


Never once did u forsake me, but gave me hope and words of encouragement

If I am a flower, then you are the sun, providing all the nourishment I need, shaping me into what I am today


I love you mum, happy mothers day!!!!

oops.....just remember you are only my stepmother....Happy stepmothers day~~~LOL

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