i said i would post photos of our 1st year anniversary celebration...
though its a bit late...but better than none...
it wasnt much...but being together...tats wat important...........
we actually wanted to watch inception...
but the time wasnt right....
so we went to gsc signature...bought the ticket...
and i though tat inception is already outdated..who knows....the cinema is full !!!!
and we had to sit in the 1st row....(not to bad actually, but still....)
still had some time b4 the movie...
and so we head over to baskin robbin....
dear paying at the cashier....
dear ordered a parfeit...(did i spell wrongly??)
i kinda think it was alright...
but halfway through eating dear told me he dint prefer parfeit very much...
y dint he tell earlier la...
den i would hav choose another 2 eat....
does tat proove tat he loves me too much??
its time for the movie.....
it was our second time in gsc signature...
its camwhore time for me....
dear has already gotten used to it....
haha...poor thing...
an insight glance of the cinema...
the seat is so comfy...worth the price !!!
As for dinner....dear planned to bring me up to look up point....
the moment we reach there...
a call arrive from his mum saying tat he has to fetch his sis....
and we just only arrive.... T.T
cant say i was disappointed....but wat to do....
i can sense the temperature rising in dear already.....
prove tat i have been there....
As compensation...we headed to another steak house.....
dear ordered so much food....
i was OMG when the food arrived...how am i gonna finish this???!!!!
lets see wats on the menu.....
1) hot chocolate (mine)

2) lemon soda ( dear)
1) garlic bread

2) Mashed potato

Main course
2) Grilled salmon
halfway through the main course, i was already crying for help.....
dear came 2 the rescue...
but he too needed help....
end up...we bungkus the rest of garlic bread back.....
lastly....tis photo...wat do you think??????